Say hello to the

Burnout to Balance: 

21 Day Roadmap

In just 15 minutes, you'll move away from living life in burnout and shift into better balance.

You know there is a better way to live or you wouldn't be here looking for new solutions.

This challenge is for the burnt out millennial who felt empowered to go out into the workforce while simultaneously being a traditional mother taking on the bulk of the household load. You're realizing you can't keep up with this pace and that no one was actually supposed to do all of this at once. 

You're burnt out. You don't feel like yourself. You've lost your joy.

Ready to live your life without burnout?

Here's your path…

week 1

Learn to shift your focus away from burnout and onto my secret key ingredient (you!).

week 2

You go inward this week because if you don't learn more about yourself, you'll end up back in burnout.

week 3

Learn how to be productive AF without falling to burnout. (my favorite week!)

Here's what you get in the challenge!

  • Step by step process that walks you through what to do each day
  • Daily journal starters and reflections
  • 21 custom meditations made by a certified mindfulness + meditation coach
  • Bonus Materials: 75+ additional journal starters, 30+ affirmations, lifetime access to a growing meditation library


Different ways for you to do the challenge based on your needs & style →

Option 1: SELF PACED 

Love to work on your own & don't need accountability?

Simply join the challenge by checking out. You'll get everything at once and be on your way!


If you'd like to do the challenge with reminders to start and end each week & check-ins via email…

**Be sure to look for the “bonus offer” at checkout and add it to your order for an additional $10

customer testimonials

Andrea H.

Candace's meditations are the best way to instantly calm my mind. I simply hit play, and I get my mental health back in check. I highly recommend.


I love listening to Candace's meditations! It brings me back to center and enables me to prioritize and focus.

Riley B.

As a new stay at home mom of an infant, finding time to shut my mind off of everything I'm not getting done in a day seems impossible. 

This challenge helped me realize that taking a few minutes to myself each morning to rese, has a huge impact on the quality of my day. I don't feel like a failure for taking time to enjoy the little moments.


What if I don't have spare time right now?

If you can find 15 minutes of time each day, you can do this challenge. 

Not having enough time is part of the reason you are here in the first place. Throughout this challenge, I'm going to teach you how to get some of your time back.

What if I get behind or sidetracked with the challenge?

I expect this to happen from time to time. You will have access to a pdf of the complete challenge with each day's specific steps. If you get behind, just pick up where you left off. 

If you get behind by more than a week, you might consider starting over. Have no fear you have lifetime access to your pdf of the challenge so you can start over or repeat as many times as you wish!

Do I need to have any prior skills to do this challenge?

No prior skills are needed. In fact, the price point of these materials are priced to give everyone a great chance to experience journaling and meditation without a huge investment.

You'll simply need access to an email to get your materials. You'll need paper and something to write with for each day's tasks. You can play your meditations right from your phone or any other device.

What if I want more support for this challenge?

I'd love to help walk you through this challenge so you get the most of it! 

That's why I offer week and month long coaching services. You can email me or check out my website at for more info on those.